What is mental health?

Mental health is a term used to describe the emotional, psychological, and cognitive well-being of a person. Mental health helps to determine how to cope with stress, pressure, depression, anxiety, and self-harm. Mental health can be severe If we don’t pay attention anyone can be depressed or have any suicidal thoughts and with the help of a doctor, we can deal with it. In a recent survey globally one in seven 10 – 19 years old children experience anxiety and depression. And the suicide rate in children aged 10 – 19 years ends their own lives.

Mental illness in adults - Mental health is as important as physical health. Many adult or older adult doesn’t know that they are dealing with mental illness. and they thought they are having workloads or other financial issues The World Health Organization found that, as of 2020, approximately 15% of adults over the age of 60 suffer from a mental disorder. Unfortunately, much older adults confuse symptoms of mental illness with normal signs of aging.

Mental health is important because it can help you to:

Cope with the stress of life

Be physically active

Have a good relationship with surrounding people

Make a meaningful contribution to your community

Work productively

Realize your full potential

What are the early warning signs of mental illness?

A change in your eating and sleeping habit

Feeling helpless or hopeless

Severe mood swings

Thinking of self-harm and harming others

Suddenly got panic attacks

Smoking, drinking, or taking drugs more than usual.

Having low or no energy

Hearing voices that are not actually happening

Not being able to perform daily tasks like taking care of ourself

Feeling numb

Risk factors of developing a mental illness.

A history of mental illness in blood relatives like parent or sibling

Stressful situations like financial or family problems

A previous mental illness

Severe brain accident is also a risk factor

Use of alcohol or drugs

A traumatic experience like molesting or assault

Childhood history of abuse