This must be taken into consideration - Over Population

Overpopulation refers to an undesirable condition in which the number of existing human beings exceeds the actual carrying capacity of the earth. It has many causes which range from a decline in the death rate to early marriages and more.
Overpopulation is a state "when there are more people than can live on the earth in comfort, happiness, and health and still leave the world a fit place for future generations." Every element of the definition is open to interpretation. Even the carrying capacity of the land -- the number of people that can be supported in an area -- depends on who is using the land and for what. The same amount of land can support a great many more vegetarians than meat-eaters. Comfort, health, and happiness have different standards among peoples, and the next generation may find the world more or less "fit," depending on their level of technology.”
Ill-Effects of Overpopulation
The ill effects of overpopulation are quite severe. Some of them are as follows:-
Natural resources are depleting at a faster level - Our planet can produce only a limited amount of water and food. Thus, overpopulation causes environmental damage including deforestation, pollution, etc.
Degradation of the environment - It happens because of the overuse of resources like coal, oil, natural gases, and more. As a result, the quality of air also gets affected in this manner.
In developing countries, overpopulation puts a strain on resources. Thus, it gives rise to conflicts and tension.
Causes more diseases- However, if the demographic transition does not occur quickly, populations can grow rapidly, creating an increased potential for the spread of infectious diseases. These infectious diseases could, in turn, increase death rates amongst young people and reverse the epidemiological transition.
Issue of unemployment - When a country becomes overpopulated, it gives rise to unemployment as fewer jobs support a large number of people. The rise in unemployment gives rise to crime, such as theft, as people want to feed their families and provide them with basic amenities of life.
As a result, unemployment gives rise to crimes like theft and more. We also have pandemics and epidemics which happen due to overpopulation.
Shortage of water - This uncontrolled rise in population has inordinately increased the water demand and mounted pressure on the already finite and scarce resources of the planet. It makes it tougher for people to get access to clean water.
Solutions of Overpopulation
There are many solutions which we may take up to prevent overpopulation. The best measure is family planning to keep the overpopulation check. To do that,
One can ensure proper spacing between the births of the children. Limiting the number of children as per income and resources must also be important.
Similarly, it is essential to increase resources. The government must make the horrors of overpopulation reach the public through the use of the media.
Moreover, better education can help implement social change which can curb overpopulation. Knowledge of sex education must be made mandatory in schools so students learn young about everything they need to know.
Most importantly, it is essential to empower women so they can break out of poverty. This way, they can learn about reproductive health and make better decisions.
Another solution can be government incentives. Many governments of countries already have various policies which relate to tax exemptions for curbing overpopulation.
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Aashi Harita
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