Audacity to hope day: June 4, 2022

Somebody rightly said, every night we go to bed, we have no assurance to get up alive in the next morning but still you have plans for the coming day; that’s Hope! Celebrated on June 4, Audacity to Hope Day is the day to think about your dreams and plans you have for your future and dare to hope that you will achieve them.
Where did it come from?
This day is dedicated to the Former President of America, Barack Obama who is the author of the book ‘The Audacity of Hope’ published in the year 2006. While this book is somewhere based on the political scenarios, this book also teaches about belief, faith, and spirituality which are needed to have the audacity of bringing change in oneself. Have an audacity of hope that whatever my dreams are, they will come true. 4th June, is a reminder for all of us, no matter how far you are from your dream, no matter how hard it is to keep moving ahead, have the audacity to hope that you will achieve it. To your dreams, you will reach someday.
How to observe this day
Plan your future, and Have the Audacity to make it happen
This is the day to think about your dreams and ambitions. Have goals in your life and make strategies to reach them. Always remember that dreams without hard work and dedication are just dreams. Keep hustling, even if you are going through the worst phase, keep going, because someone has rightly said, ‘’the days that break you are the days that make you’’.
Don’t worry to fall, have the audacity to Get back up
APJ Abdul Kalam sir once said, FAIL means First Attempt in learning. There are always some possibilities that while moving towards your dream, you may fall/fail. But darling, don’t be afraid of it. It is the part of Journey. Every failure reflects the mistakes which we committed; every fall shows us the roads which we have to avoid. Have the audacity to learn from your mistakes, get back up and continue the hustle.
Be there for your friends
Always remember that many factors may work for you but not your friends, classmates, or your colleagues. They may find it difficult. At some point in time, life might not be easy for them. Make sure, at that time you be there with them. Motivate them to keep moving and not to give up on their dreams.
I understand that what is in our hands is very limited, we cannot manipulate the things which we don’t have any control over. So, keep calm, Hope, and trust in destiny. Hope is when you fall and tell yourself that I will rise. Hope allows you to see light in a room full of darkness. On this Audacity to Hope Day, I pray that you never lose confidence in yourself and understand that your hopes, and not your hurts will shape your future.
Dear lovely readers, you strong people, dare to hope.
Send this as a reminder to your friends and dare them to hope. If you like this article, please leave your love in the comment.
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