International Olympics Day 2019

This 23rd June 2019, the world celebrates the 71st anniversary of the Olympic Day. It was in the January 1948 that the International Olympic Committee approved the idea of Olympic Day to commemorate the creation of the IOC on 23 June 1894 in Paris at the 42nd IOC Session in St Moritz, Switzerland.
The mere ideology of conducting the World Olympic Day is to promote worldwide participation in different sports throughout the world without the boundaries of religion, nationality and gender. The focus revolved around making the people aware about the importance of fitness that how by practising a few sports they can develop a healthy body. You can stick to one of the 100 methods of exercising. The Olympic day is not just a day to celebrate sports but to get physically active and become aware of the health values. This day is said to be based on three values that are – Move, learn, discover.
The National Olympic Committees have been organising sports, cultural And Educational activities throughout the world. Some countries have incorporated the event into the school curriculum also.The NOC has conducted a few meetings for children and young people with top athletes and Olympians. Such an initiative of NOC has made it easier for everybody to become part of Olympic Day.
Facts about Olympics-
- The five rings of the Olympic symbol – designed by Baron Pierre de Coubertin, co-founder of the modern Olympic Games – represent the five inhabited continents of the world.
- The six colors – blue, yellow, black, green, red, and the white background – were chosen because every nation’s flag contains at least one of them.
- The Olympic Games have been hosted by 23 different countries.
- The first official Olympic mascot was at the 1972 Games in Munich.
- Three continents – Africa, South America, and Antarctica – have never hosted an Olympics.
- A record 202 countries participated in the 2004 Olympic Summer Games in Athens.
- Only four athletes have ever won medals at both the Winter and Summer Olympic Games: Eddie Eagan (United States), Jacob Tullin Thams (Norway), Christa Luding-Rothenburger (East Germany), and Clara Hughes (Canada).
- In 1921, Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympic Games, borrowed a Latin phrase from his friend, Father Henri Didon, for the Olympic motto: Citius, Altius, Fortius ("Swifter, Higher, Stronger").
- Pierre de Coubertin wrote an oath for the athletes to recite at each Olympic Games. During the opening ceremonies, one athlete recites the oath on behalf of all the athletes.
- The Olympic flame is a practice continued from the ancient Olympic Games. In Olympia (Greece), a flame was ignited by the sun and then kept burning until the closing of the Olympic Games. The flame itself represents a number of things, including purity and the endeavour for perfection.
Blog by: Aayushi Mishra
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